We’ve all been there. The big exam is just around the corner, and you realize you haven’t studied much at all. Panic sets in, and you think, “Can I cram all this information into my head in the last few days?” It’s a situation many students face, but is last-minute studying a good strategy for achieving good scores in exams? Let’s explore the issue and understand why early and effective study habits are crucial.

The Rush to Cram

Cramming is like a last-minute sprint in a marathon. You might cover a lot of ground quickly, but the quality of your performance often suffers. When you cram, you’re trying to stuff a lot of information into your brain in a very short time. This can lead to several problems:

  1. Forgetting Quickly: When you cram, you might remember information for a short time, but it tends to disappear from your memory just as quickly. This means that you’re less likely to retain what you’ve learned for the long term.
  2. Lack of Understanding: Cramming often involves rote memorization without a deep understanding of the material. It’s like trying to learn a language by memorizing phrases without knowing the grammar or rules behind it. Understanding is vital for answering complex questions in exams.
  3. Stress and Anxiety: The pressure of trying to cover everything in a short time can lead to increased stress and anxiety. This can negatively affect your performance during the actual exam, making it difficult to think clearly.
  4. Time Constraints: With limited time, you might not be able to cover all the necessary material. This can leave gaps in your knowledge and lead to lower scores.
  5. Burnout: Intense, last-minute studying can result in burnout. You might feel exhausted and unable to perform at your best during the exam due to a lack of sleep, rest, and relaxation.

The Benefits of Early and Effective Study Habits

Now that we’ve seen some of the problems with last-minute studying, let’s explore why early and effective study habits are the way to go for achieving good scores in exams:

1. Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Studying in advance allows you to pace yourself. You can create a study schedule that covers all the material over time, breaking it down into manageable chunks. This means you can absorb and understand the information without the rush.

2. Understanding the Material: Effective studying involves more than just reading and memorizing; it involves understanding the material. You’ll have time to ask questions, seek clarifications, and grasp the concepts fully.

3. Reduced Stress: With a well-planned study schedule, you can avoid the panic and anxiety that last-minute cramming often brings. You’ll be better prepared mentally, and your stress levels will be lower.

4. Time for Practice: Early studying allows you time to practice problems, work on exercises, and engage in active learning. For subjects like math or science, practice is essential for mastering the material.

5. Sleep and Well-Being: When you study well in advance, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition, exercise, and adequate sleep. These factors play a significant role in cognitive performance.

6. Seek Help Early: If you’re struggling with a particular subject or topic, you’ll have time to ask for help from teachers, tutors, or classmates. They can provide guidance and support well before the exam date.

7. Regular Review: Regularly reviewing previously studied material helps reinforce your memory and understanding. When you’ve been studying consistently, these reviews are easier and more effective.

8. Practice Past Exams: If past exams or sample questions are available, you can use them to get a sense of the format and the type of questions you might encounter on the actual exam. Early preparation allows for this valuable practice.

9. Better Organization: Early preparation allows you to keep your study materials well-organized. You can use effective note-taking techniques, and it’s easier to keep track of what you’ve covered.


In conclusion, while the temptation to cram might be strong when exams are approaching, it’s not the best strategy for achieving good scores. Cramming often results in forgetting quickly, a lack of understanding, increased stress, time constraints, and burnout. On the other hand, early and effective study habits allow for slow and steady progress, deep understanding, reduced stress, time for practice, better well-being, and regular reviews.

So, if you’re wondering whether last-minute studying can help you achieve good scores, it’s better to avoid the rush and start your preparation early. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and with consistent and well-structured study routines, you’ll be better prepared to succeed in your exams. Remember, early and effective studying is the key to unlocking your full potential and achieving the academic success you desire.

I hope that you are getting the point. If you have any questions related to it, comment below.