What is ‘AS’ & ‘A’ Level
GCE Advanced A Level is one of the most perceived qualifications around the globe. For more than 50 years, Cambridge A Levels have been acknowledged as proof of academic ability for admission to Universities and organizations of advanced education. They are also important to businesses who much of the time request A Levels as a state of employment section.
Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level represents to the main portion of an entire A Level course and offers students the chance to study a broader scope of subjects without focusing on doing an entire A level. Students can decide to finish an AS Level assessment, at that point quit studding for that specific subject. On the other hand, after getting an AS Level certification, students can finish the rest of the course of study so as to take the A Level evaluation.
Cambridge A and AS Levels offer an adaptable course of study that gives students the opportunity to choose the subjects that are directly for them.
Where are AS & A Levels accepted and recognized?
Cambridge International A Level is a ‘gold standard’ qualification. It has exactly the same value in conceding students to universities as the UK equivalent, and is acknowledged as a entry pass by Universities Worldwide.
* Good grades in A and AS Level are a Key to admission for all the World’s significant English speaking Universities and practically all the top universities in Pakistan.
* Good grades at A Level can result in up to one entire year of scholarship at Universities in the USA, Canada or Pakistan.
* AS Level conveys the weighting of an A Level and is normally granted a large portion of the credit value.
This is a general guide. To discover the number of A and AS Levels and grades required for further examination, read the detailed information about ‘AS’ and ‘A’ level affirmations (here the link to our site will be put in the bold text). There are a few models beneath that should help for University study in the USA.
* Yale University grants credit for grades A and B.
* Harvard University requires three A Level subjects at grades A and B.
* Boston University awards advance credit for grades A, B and C.
* New York University awards advance credit for grades A, B and C
Who can take AS and A Level
Cambridge AS Level assessments are typically taken at the age 17 and Cambridge A Level assessments at age 18.
How Read and Write Helps in Preparation?
A and AS Levels offer such adaptable projects that there is a diversity in the manner that they are educated. Read and write offers the best books and topical and yearly past papers to help students excel in exams.

The books are arranged according to the schedule set by Cambridge, and thoroughly written by experienced staff, with extensive training on the program.
Examination Information
Cambridge A Level courses take two years to finish with exams taken in the end. Cambridge AS Level assessments are taken after a year either as a part of the A Level course, or as a qualification in their own right. On the other hand, the AS Level qualification will be taken at the end of a two-year course. Assessments are held in June and November every year with results gave in August and February separately.
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